
Services Priced Upon Consultation


Containers that enter our facility are inspected to determine whether or not they can be repaired. Plastic welders are used to fill in cracks and repair broken areas. Latches and rods are inspected and replaced as necessary to meet industry standards.

Broken foot caps are replaced and bases inspected and replaced as needed. Any loose plastic or debris is removed from each container.


Containers deemed unfit for repair can be recycled at a predetermined rate, according to market value. Recycling those containers that are beyond repair standards gives our customers a small return on a portion of their investment as well as being environmentally conscious.


We are conveniently located in the heart of Salinas Valley's industrial area. Bin Doctor is available to pick up and deliver containers directly from your facility. Our courteous and professional drivers can be dispatched at a moments notice.


As an added benefit to our repair service, Bin Doctor offers an FDA approved wash program designed to sanitize containers and assist in the prevention of food-bourne illness. The wash program entails removal of field stickers, soil, stains and loose debris. Bins, totes and pallets are sprayed and soaked with a food grade foaming agent before being washed with high pressure nozzles and hot water in our state-of-the-art bin washing machine. All containers then go through an additional quality assurance check. Swabbing and third party testing is also available upon request.

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